
be safe

One 20-year old woman went to valleyscare with her friends. Ready and excited for fun, not expecting what would come next. She separated from her friends only for a short while she planed, to go get food. She thought it’s a safe place and crowded so she’d be out of harm's way. But then, some men from behind her asked her for her number, and when she refused to give out her number, that’s when they attacked. Dragged behind a haunted house, where her screams were drown out by people screaming from inside so she could not be heard. They beat her and she thought she was going to die. But now she tells the tall to warn others. This story proves, through you many think your secure, think again.


LTTE terror

Since 1983 LTTE is fighting for a mono separate homeland for Tamils. It was India that trained and infiltrated an armed group called the LTTE some 30 years ago. This is the problem that is still going on.
I understand they are fighting for there rights. I understand that they are passionate about getting there freedom. Who could blame them for wanting freedom? I’m sure they would like to carry this out peacefully, but sometimes you can’t be heard that way. And the LTTE sure did get our attention. It makes a greater impact on people then having marches or something. But when you don’t have freedom in the first place that’s hard to do. It must have been frustrating, at first because this group did start out peacefully, but no one listened. Any who that still not an excuse! So now they’re murdering innocent civilians and some happen to be one of there own, states asiantribune. Many bombings and fires taking place, they steal medicines and food all because of LTTE. Although the Government has offered to provide a safe passage to the Tamils in the LTTE held areas but they are prevented from making use of this by the LTTE. Some say these people are freedom fighters, other say these people are terrorist. the truth is they are both terrorist and freedom fighters. The cause is fine but they way LTTE chooses to approach this issue is shameful. Most of the time you aren’t heard by a peaceful way of protest; but its possible. Ghani did it, so did Martin Luther King. I only wish it could be both ways, making a strong statement while not hurting anyone. If you have to hurt people for your cause, it only hurts the cause itself.
Peace to everyone!

Link: http://www.asiantribune.com/?q=node/13863


box hero

My hero I am to study is the artist M.I.A. I have found these artifacts to help me understand this hero:
My first artifact I have found is a article on M.I.A. Telling about her background and how it affects her today. According to the article, when she was a child, it wasn’t a piece of cake. Her father was a LTTE activist, and M.I.A. is now too, and many want to capture him, and so he barely was with the rest of the family. Her mother worked multiple low wage jobs to support the family. They were so poor butter was a treat. Moving place to place to avoid the civil war going in they’re home country, Sri Lanka. Another article and video(scroll down), this one is more about her present. She makes music, and does well because it is in the number one place. She made a song called “boyz” and is about many boys will start wars. it is a has a different beat then most heard.

This is a picture, she is sitting down with some locals.

In this picture M.I.A. is shooting a music video. Is wearing weird clothing then most people would.

This what M.I.A. wrote. It is titled "20$"

Talking bout ya'll 's such a bore. Id rather talk bout moi.

Do you know that cost of a.ksUp in africa?

20 dollars aint s**t to you But thats how much they are.

Of couse they gonna use it to kill a little daIs.

girls, diamonds Helpin ya?

Dont you like my bandana. My stains hang low On my shirts like ay yai ay.

Monkey brains and banana. Ill hit you with my antana. I put soap in my eye

Make it red so I look raa. Ra ra So I woke up with my holy quran and found out I like cadillac.

So we shooting till the song is up. Little boys are acting up.

Baby mothers are going crazy And the leaders all round cracking up. We goat rich we fry.

Price of living in a shantytown jus seem to be high.

We still look flyWe still like t.i. Dancing as we shooting up And lootin jus to get by.>

This song is about how you can buy things, like guns, rather than something like a cell phone or food. And its also how that effects people.

This next picture show M.I.A. with school children. This shows she is Involved with the community.


She wants others to be aware.

She is not bais.

She will express her own opinions. Also too many people are assuming before they have all the facts.

M.I.A. may be down but she will still live on.


pull up the people

This is a school M.I.A. is currently building. This proves that she cares about the world and wants to help. Especially those who need it most.

You’d think heroes as strong men in capes or a person ho saves lives. But there are many kinds of heroes, they may not save lives, but they save us in many other ways. M.I.A. shows people to speak up in what you believe in and stay true to yourself. In my findings, she has shown she is not afraid to tell others what she feels, and expresses this in her songs and clothes, She inspirers many to do the same. She talks about true, meaningful stuff, that is close to her heart and what she passions. She helps give the voice to others that can not speak. That is what a true hero does. She has demonstrated helping others in need, like the school she is building. Also, I found that she is not like most singers these days. Most rap artist talk about female body parts and how much money they have. Not M.I.A., as know her lyrics tell about personal struggles and views on world. The lyrics are also well written like poetry. One last thing,


hey I THINK YOU SHOULD READ THIS ONE especially the guys. for future Reference im not blaming it on you

FYI: for those of you who have been living in a cave or have been in a coma, dove is company that’s sells beauty products.

In the dove article, they were talking about how much pressure there is to look great witch is almost impossible to achieve. How we should judge on the person on the inside not outer. Cheesy I know but they make a good point. Now they are making campaign ads to help. And if they are doing it just because they want more people to buy there products, I don’t care, it’s still a great thing.Being beautiful is a simple way to feel better about ourselves. Being beautiful is an easy way to get gratification from someone else, a way to be accepted by society. It uses little of your mind and can be fun, a way to express yourself too. But sometimes we take it too far, because of the way society portrays how women should be. If you walk down a street, count how many billboards or sings that have beautiful women on it, selling underwear or make up and such. It’s an obvious view on what our society thinks. Sometimes a women is worth more is they are beautiful. The outlook of beautiful will be forever changing, ever look at history books and go wow there ugly? So thus it means nothing. I love what dove is doing and it will make almost all us feel a lot better about ourselves, so we can live life!

I’m not saying wear dirty clothes or don’t put on deodorant, I’m just saying don’t get crazy with the looks. And if you’re a person who judges others on the way they look, well then, I don’t think you will ever come to real happiness in your life. OF course everyone thinks about how others look just remind your self that not who they are or all they can be. I need to watch myself, and I think everyone else should too! Just a thought.

Ps. Check it out it’s really interesting obviously go to: dove.comto see article: http://dove.msn.com/#/connections/columns/BQ_Response_Guest_DDiFulco.aspx[cp-documentid=10854103]/?GT1=25039and videos are super cool incase you’re not a reading type of person: http://dove.msn.com/#/features/videos/videogallery.aspx/

Pss. sry for the long read!

links. sorry for not adding it on earlyer.

funny numbers-http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/12/weekinreview/12zernike.html?scp=1&sq=funny%20numbers&st=cse

gay marrage one (im preety sure)- http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/11/nyregion/11marriage.html?scp=1&sq=connecticut%20same-sex%20marriage%20by%20sharon%20otterman&st=cse

animals rights one- http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/12/dining/12animal.html?scp=1&sq=upton%20sinclair%20now%20playing%20on%20youtube&st=cse

dove one is linked up.

random: thanks for like the 3 people who commented on my writtings. i know your forced to but still i like to read em.

yup yup


funny numbers

Do you think Obama will win? The polls are in favor of Obama. So does that mean he will be elected? Guess again. In the New York Times, an article stated that some people who claim they don’t care about the skin color of a candidate, really do, because when in the privacy of a voting booth, they will vote against the candidate because of his or her race. This is called the Tom Bradley Effect. That’s why you can’t really relay on polls. People may often state falsely their true intentions about how they feel about a candidate, especially when it comes to race and politics. Sadly, many don’t think there is chance that Obama will win because of the Bradley Effect. He is only 6 points ahead of McCain, and (I hope) Obama could win if people don’t follow the Bradley Effect. But if Obama is only 6 point ahead, maybe there is only 6% of people who will really not vote for him. I think most people are over the race issue and can be adult about it. But because polls are so tired, Obama may not win. This Bradley Effect has been proven with other elections. One of them was Tom Bradley, himself, which who it was named for. Which leaves many to wonder if there will be an Obama effect?

This goes to show that you don’t trust people on what they say. What really matters is when you are alone with them to find out how they really believe to know what they will do.


Connecticut Ruling Overturns Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

this was in the new york times, by sharon otterman.
Today is a great day in Connecticut because the Connecticut Supreme Court will now allow same sex marriage along with new Hampshire and California. The 8 plaintiffs argued that it was unfair and unjust to treat gay and lesbians different just because they are. They are human beings who need to be treated as equals. I think this too. Court found that “the state had failed to provide sufficient justification for excluding same-sex couples from the institution of marriage.” Homosexuals will have better lives knowing now that they can share the rest of there lives with there one and only love. People are scared and hate gays. people think its is wrong and I don’t know why. There just people and they want to live there lives like everyone eles. This makes Connecticut a much better state they are not prejudice and it’s a nicer place over all.



would anyone know how to change the blog name??? cuz, u know mine has my real name. oops.