A current Ku Klux Klan member David Duke once said, “White people don't need a law against rape, but if you fill this room up with your normal black bucks, you would, because niggers are basically primitive animals” (ADL) David Duke is a prime example of what people become when they feel superior to another race, which is called white supremacy. White supremacy encourages and one of the main causes to the group Ku Klux Klan. White supremacy bases on fear, nurture, and group acceptance. People who are racist create a feeling of superiority to other cultures or races because they are afraid. Jæger advocates “…above many people are afraid of people that are different from themselves, and in order to reassure themselves, many people imagine that they are superior to who they are afraid of, so that they don’t have to be afraid anymore” (Jæger, Mads). If the Ku Klux Klan does not understand or know others like the African American race, so they will create groups like the Ku Klux Klan to protect themselves from them. Although fear is one cause, many in the Ku Klux Klan were raised to be racists from birth. Jæger states that, “parents who have the idea that they are better because they are white, their children most often will believe the same” (Jæger). When people believe they are better than other races, commonly they have been taught this from a young age. Also, white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan often join because they group acceptance. Okun essentially states that when you cluster yourself with a certain group, you feel a part of something with your “own” people (Tema Okun). People want to be have approval from other people in order to feel fulfilled and happy. White supremacy spreads through fear, nurture, and group acceptance and from there people start groups like the Ku Klux Klan.
Okun, Tema . "White Supremacy Culture." 1999. Prison Activist. 24 Mar 2009 http://www.prisonactivist.org/archive/cws/dr-culture.html
Jæger, Mads . "The opinions of a racist person ." Racism. 1998. Thinkquest. 24 Mar 2009 http://library.thinkquest.org/28172/ropinio2.htm
"On Blacks." David Duke Update. May 2000. ADL. 25 Mar 2009
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15 years ago