We all have odd foods in every country. One in particular that just came out, Indian corporations are trying to sell gau jal. Translates into cow water, but it’s nearly all made from cow… pee. The marketer’s promise is that it will nor taste or smell like urine. In India, cows are sacred so they cannot hurt the cow and some believe that the urine drink has special healing powers. The cow urine drink is believed to cleanse the body. Marketers say that this drink promotes Hindu-ness. People have been drinking this concoction for years. First this drink was introduced to people of low caste system for rituals and to cure cancer. Now they are thinking to export the gau jal. The gau jal people say they are competing against drinks like cola. I guess every culture has its weird foods. Foods are tired in with culture very strongly. This reminds me of other culture differences in food. Like here, it is very popular to eat a peanut butter and jelly, while Austrians think it’s gross. The Indians have gau jal but we have eggnog and sunny D. We also came up with the Idea for chocolate covered cockroaches so we are just as bad. I should not judge because it may turn out it tastes really great.
Kralj, Sasa . "India to launch cow urine as soft drink". Times Online. February 11, 2009
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